Live Streaming

Both ceremonies and reception
(Saturday, April 28)

Some of our guests are unfortunately unable to attend, due to previous conflicts, distance, or other reasons. Through generous support from Google, we now have an opportunity to stream the wedding to you over the internet. We will try to broadcast everything as a Google+ Hangout on Air!

What you will need:

You should have received an email with detailed directions on what to do next. If you have not received this email (perhaps we don't have your email address!) then please contact Neil to get the detailed info.

We will try to stream both the Catholic ceremony, the Hindu ceremony, and the reception. The Catholic ceremony will start at 1:00pm PST (GMT-7). That should be equivalent to the following local times:

April 28th
3:00pm CST (GMT-5) - Central United States (Houston, Chicago)
4:00pm EST (GMT-4) - East Coast United States (Boston, New York, Detroit)
9:00pm GMT/BST (GMT+0 (+1 summer) ) - London
10:00pm CEST (GMT+2) - Italy, Sweden, Switzerland
11:00pm EEST (GMT+3) - Ukraine

April 29th (same day really, but across the date line)
1:30am IST (GMT+5.5) - India
4:00am STZ (GMT+8) - Hong Kong, Singapore
8:00am (GMT+12) - New Zealand

The Hindu ceremony will start 3 hours later, at 4:00pm, and the reception at 7:00pm.